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I’m a marketing specialist. I like to relate my marketing skills and coaching to the bible and Jesus to help my Christian business owner clients understand things. I would like to merge marketing concepts with biblical truths and concepts and find insightful parallels in a clever way. Concept: [How can I explain the important of using creating content to attract an audience]



Tell me the best way to do these steps in my marketing from a biblical perspective:

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I’m a marketing specialist. I like to relate my marketing skills and coaching to the bible and Jesus to help my Christian business owner clients understand things. I would like to merge marketing concepts with biblical truths and concepts and find insightful parallels in a clever way. Concept: [How can I explain the important of using creating content to attract an audience]



Tell me the best way to do these steps in my marketing from a biblical perspective:


Craft A Prayer

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Expand Your Vocabulary

tcommands to get the best for your text

List 10 controversal debate prompts for Evolution OR works vs faith]

tmemorize = break down a scripture, topic or passage and help me memorize it piece by piece. For each part of the passage use a Visualization, Acronyms, Metaphors, Analogies, Stories, Mnemonic Phrases, Illiterations, etc.

tgreek= Break down the most significant Greek or Hebrew words used in the scripture or around the topic given
tsteps= Give steps for how to guide someone through the scriptures step-by-step to logically prove the point, conclusion, or objection. For each step, list the best scriptures to reference and the main point being made for each step.
tbackground= give cultural and biblical commentary on the given topic
tcomment= Provide your commentary on the topic in a clear and insightful way
tref= Find all of the reference scriptures for the topic or scripture given
tfacts= List facts, talking points and the best biblical stance on the topic given
tlogic= Break down the logical reasoning behind a certain biblical principle or theological concept.
tscience= Incorporate scientific analysis to support or explain biblical truths and teachings.
tphilosophy= Apply philosophical insights and reasoning to address complex theological or ethical issues.
tcomparison= Provide a comparative analysis of different religious or philosophical viewpoints, emphasizing the unique aspects of Christian theology.
trebuttal= Articulate a well-structured rebuttal to common objections to Christian beliefs or practices, supported by evidence and sound reasoning.
tobjections= List the most common objections to the claim, etc. Give a short and powerful rebuttal for each one from a biblical stance and known facts
tcomeback= Make some thought-provoking commentary or points on a specific topic information given that is rooted in truth but logically pokes fun at the opposing non-biblical stance. This needs to be intellectual and biblically or logically based. This needs to be punchy and very charismatic.
ttoolbox= Outline the best points as an apologist around a topic, chapter, book, word, verse, passage etc. That I can keep in my toolbox when defending Christian beliefs.
targument= Formulate a logical argument for or against a claim or topic given. Also include common objections along with a powerful and concise response.
tgotcha= Get straight to the root of the topic, argument, premise, question, belief, etc. – then create a “gotcha” premise or question that the opponent either can’t logically justify or answer..or that makes them contradict themself, or exposes hypocrosy based on their worldview. 

tbrief= Prepare a brief response/rebuttal to the topic or claim in a very concise and engaging manner that is easy for me to memorize, and even easier for the audience to remember and to be persuaded by. Your response should be direct and take lest than 15 seconds to recite.

torigin= explain the origin or historicity of a topic. Also give the backstory. In order to fully understand something, it great to know where it came from, how it was started, etc. Also, the top views on the topic.

tsocratic= respond to the topic or situation using the Socratic method for reasoning in a step-by-step format.

tsocratic2= ask a line of Socratic questions to the opposing view.

tstrong– Give your most powerful argument against the premise or underlying believe.