Conversion Optimization Prompts

for ChatGPT

Optimize Current Copy

Start Here: HSO

Determine the current Hook, Story & Offer for your offer

Copywriting Tools

Add Fluency

Add Impact

Add Personality

Add Transitional Phrases

Use Power Words

Full Page Copy Optimization

Hook, Story, Offer

Determine the current Hook, Story & Offer for your offer and generate new HSO ideas.

Word-Salad Tosser?

Turn ambiguous copy into clear and captivating copy

Transformational Copy

Get Clarity: Quickly create value for any offer by identifying the transformations

Version 1

Offer Copy Optimization

1. Pain Points

Identify the main pain points of your offer

Version 1.4

2. Selling Points

Identify the main selling points of your offer

Version 1.4

3. Block Points

Identify the what your audience has already tried

Version 1.4

4. Shift Points

Position your offer in the marketplace in a unique way

Version 1.4

5. Awareness Points

Identify the current awareness points of your offer’s audience

Version 1.4

6. Lead Points

Identify the best lead points for your offer

Version 1.4

7. Hook Points

Craft hook points for your offer to engage your audience

Version 1.4